84 Mahasiddhas
hi! i'm looking for a comprehensive links on the 84 Mahasiddhas. I tried looking it up on wikipedia, unfortunately they only contain a very small number of it. Could anyone help me on this? Duly thx!...
View ArticleYidam Visualization
Hey guys I've been studying the book Pearl Rosary, as recommended from a post on this tribe. I have a background in Vipassana (goenka style) as well as other forms of meditation (buddhist and from...
View ArticleIs Buddhism pessimistic?
Hello everyone, I am an Anthropologist doing a fieldwork on Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana) at the only existing local Tibetan Buddhist center in my country. I've been doing this for a few months now and...
View ArticleThe passing of a great teacher
On the auspicious day of Medicine Buddha, June 19, 2010 at 8:07pm, our most beloved teacher and one of the great scholars and masters in Nyingmapa Buddhism, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche passed into...
View ArticleThe Importance of the Guru in the Vajrayana Tradition
http://kunzang.org/kplblog/2010/01/23/the-importance-of-the-guru-in-vajrayana-tradition/ "The Importance of the Guru in the Vajrayana Tradition," a brief talk by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche. Please enjoy!...
View ArticleEmulating Lineage Masters as a Path to Awakening
http://kunzang.org/kplblog/2010/03/20/emulating-lineage-masters-as-a-path-to-awakening/ A brief talk by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche. Enjoy! posted in Tibetan Buddhism - 0 replies
View Articlefamily life and dharma
Hello, I have lately been thinking a lot about the relationship of dharma to family life. I am curious of anyone out there knows of some good biographies to read of accomplished masters of the past who...
View ArticlePersonal Request --Nyingmapas
If you are Nyingma, or connected with Dzogchen in some way, Please message me if you can fulfill a practice request-- or sponsor a monastery, or ngakpa to say prayers. i will give you the details...
View ArticleWords of Mahasiddha Tilopa
At first a yogi feels his mind Is tumbling like a waterfall; In mid-course, like the Ganges It flows on slow and gentle; In the end, it is a great Vast ocean, where the Lights Of Son and Mother merge...
View ArticleRecordings of the 2007 Summit on Religion, Conflict and Peacebuilding at...
Given what day it is, I decided to post the recording of the summit that I attended at Emory University that expanded my understanding of religions as both different methods for integration with...
View ArticleWhy meditate?
September thirteenth 2010, I was reading A Simple Path, a translation of a book written by the Dalai Lama. “I have asked scientists on several occasions whether the process [of thoughts giving rise to...
View ArticleThursday September 23, 2010 FULL MOON Blessed Rainy Day Tsok
(sent out to sangha) "Today evening is the autumn equinox, in the south it's the spring equinox and a full moon on Thursday occurring within 6 hours of each other. The equinox is on Wednesday, 22nd at...
View Articletummo training with no prior experience
here's a 5-day tummo retreat with lama lobsang, requiring "no prior experience or particular beliefs" http://www.tulkulamalobsang.org/index.php?page=tourplan&menu=international&id=89 I'm...
View ArticleManjusrimitra
From my friends at Jnanasukha on this Dakini Day: The Nyingma Dzogchen lineage began in India with the masters Garab Dorje, Manjusrimitra, and Sri Singha. Born as an upper class Brahmin west of...
View ArticleNgondro and Lineage, Nyingma and Bon
Does anyone know whether teachers tend to accept Ngondro completion from any valid lineage, or whether Ngondro practices strictly qualify one for practice in that lineage only? Would completion of a...
View ArticleLife long practitioner, good results
What do you think? http://www.tibetanbuddhistaltar.org/2010/01/an-american-miracle/ I didn't know her, but I do know people who did. She studied and practiced under the guidance of His Holiness Penor...
View ArticleTsem Tulku Rinpoche Blows Your GROSS and SUBTLE MIND away!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7UhRr5yt1I posted in Tibetan Buddhism - 1 reply
View ArticleImportant Preservation
Some lineages are very thin and in danger of being lost. Shangpa Kagyu was like this at one time, Kalu Rinpoche really served it by not only giving the empowerments but also supporting three year...
View ArticleGay HYT
I haven't yet received a HYT empowerment, but I have a question for experienced practitioners. . . if gay, then all the better. From what I understand, HYT employs certain visualizations which, in...
View ArticleBodhidharma = Dampa Sangye ? Zen = Dzogchen?
I recently heard that Tibetans consider Bodhidharma to have been the same person as Dampa Sangye. Has anyone else heard this? I think it is a fascinating possible connection between Zen and Dzogchen. I...
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