On the auspicious day of Medicine Buddha, June 19, 2010 at 8:07pm, our most beloved teacher and one of the great scholars and masters in Nyingmapa Buddhism, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche passed into parinirvana peacefully and beautifully. All stages of meditation were perfectly demonstrated according to the teachings of the Buddha and Guru Padmasambhava, and as Khenchen Rinpoche himself taught for so many years. He entered fearlessly without any emotion or attachment, joyfully and with confidence at his home, Arya Palo Ling, in the presence of his beloved brother, Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, and Jomo Lorraine, and during the sangha’s practice of Vajrasattva in the glorious Copper-colored Temple at Palden Padma Samye Ling monastery. Surrounded by every lush spring quality of gentle breezes, birds singing, flowers blooming, and deer playing in the meadows, he remains in thugdam meditation.
Offering ceremonies began in India, Nepal, and Tibet immediately following Khenchen Rinpoche’s parinirvana, and beginning today we will hold 49 days of offering ceremonies at Palden Padma Samye Ling. We warmly invite the PBC sangha to gather together for these ceremonies. Soon we will be sending a schedule of all of the practices and services that will be held on behalf of Khenchen Rinpoche. Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche requests everyone to please recite the 100-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva.
For those wishing to make offerings, please consider supporting the “108 Reliquary Stupa Garden” that will be installed at Padma Samye Ling in honor of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche. You can mail your offering payable to “PBC” to Palden Padma Samye Ling to the attention of: 108 Reliquary Stupa Garden.
In order to remember the sublime qualities of our most kind and humble teacher, here are a few excerpts from A Praise of the Venerable Lama Called the Melodious Words of the Ocean of Devotion, that Khenpo Pema Gyaltsen composed in the late 1990’s:
"Although dwelling primordially in the expanse of Samantabhadra,
You possess the magical display of most glorious Vajrakumra.
Maturing and liberating whomever, incomprehensible protector,
All-victorious embodiment of wisdom, to the lama I bow down.
From the rich, fertile soil of your positive merit and generosity,
The sweet smell of saffron arisen from your ethical discipline pervades.
Sovereign of realization arisen from meditation, full bloom of spring,
Endowed with the three grounds of positive merit, to the lama I bow down.
Steadfast, constant root of the wish-granting tree of the four immeasurables,
Luxuriant, full blossom of the activities of the six perfections,
Tending after others, the fruit of the four bodhisattva activities,
Beneficial action, glorious protector, to the lama I bow down.
Having abandoned long ago the obstacles to all objects of knowledge,
Teaching all the ways of Dharma to disciples of good fortune,
Just like a second Lord of Conquerors in the teachings of the Conqueror,
Bliss-gone one with perfect skill in the ten powers, to the lama I bow down.
The most beautiful moon, Manjushri, the wisdom of exalted knowledge,
Coming from the awakened mind of Chenrezig, the great compassion,
Just like Vajrapani, the power and might both unchallenged and unrivaled,
Living countenance that gathers the three families, savior, to the lama I bow down.
Listening, contemplation, and meditation, the three, vast as the rich Earth,
Teaching, debate, and composition, the three, resounding music everywhere,
Knowledge, virtue, and goodness, the three, dramatic play of Samantabhadra,
Perfect monarch of these nine excellent manners, to the lama I bow down.
Possessor of firm skill, virtue, and glory, great holder of the Vinaya,
With marvelous bodhichitta guiding wanderers, hero bodhisattva,
Completely, clearly realized in the four empowerments, great vidydhara,
Crown ornament of all teachers, to the venerable lama I bow down."
Yours in the Dharma,
Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche
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Tibetan Buddhism
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