Some lineages are very thin and in danger of being lost.
Shangpa Kagyu was like this at one time, Kalu Rinpoche
really served it by not only giving the empowerments but also
supporting three year retreatants in accomplishing.
Here we have an example of a first step happening in India,
and we in the West can help support it.
I'm very happy that Gelugpas have taken this strong interest
in the preservation of Sakyapa tantras. Non sectarianism
is very admirable-- we should all support this.
Shangpa Kagyu was like this at one time, Kalu Rinpoche
really served it by not only giving the empowerments but also
supporting three year retreatants in accomplishing.
Here we have an example of a first step happening in India,
and we in the West can help support it.
I'm very happy that Gelugpas have taken this strong interest
in the preservation of Sakyapa tantras. Non sectarianism
is very admirable-- we should all support this.
posted in
Tibetan Buddhism
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