Tibet House NYC events and pagan / Buddhist resources for New York City
repost from
Keywords: Tibet House, New York City, New York Buddhist Council, Dharma Events New York [ Yahoo ], Buddhism and psychotherapy, empowerments and Blessings, Wealth deity Jambhala empowerment, Goddess Green Tara empowerment and detailed references for Tara practice, New York City Pagans, alternative spiritual culture, pagan community.
This announcement introduces Tibet House New York City, the Tibetan Lama Kunga Ngor Thartse, and the new book "Mixing Minds" on Buddhism and psychotherapy, by Pilar Jennings PhD.
. . . Along with other important Buddhist and related pagan resources focused on the New York City area, i.e. the New York Buddhist Council, and Dharma Events New York on Yahoo.
Lama Kunga Ngor Thartse is giving transmissions this weekend, such as Green Tara and Jambhala. empowerment, 21 Nov 2010. See below text for details on this teacher and this event.
For detailed references on the Hindu Buddhist goddess Tara, see my post
In the case of the Buddhist empowerments, formal Buddhist affiliation is required in advance, and available at this event, as the below states. Lama Kunga Ngor Thartse will offer refuge before the transmissions.
There is also the Twenty First Annual Benefit Concert for Tibet House in March 2011.
There is also a New York Buddhist Council
I am told there are 200 Tibetan Buddhist centers in New York City.
For a generic ongoing activity list of Buddhist events in New York City, see
"DharmaEventsNY is a non-sectarian mailing list for announcements of Buddhist Events in and around New York City. This mailing list is the place to post information about retreats, teachings, seminars, meditation practice, celebrations, and other Dharma activity that is open to the public.
"To reach members of this group, simply send email to: DharmaEventsNY@yahoogroups.com"
[ . . . with a valid yahoo account, of course. Yahoo accounts are free. ]
"Please pass this information on to all those who might be interested. It's easy to subscribe to the DharmaEventsNY mailing list by sending an email to: DharmaEventsNY-subscribe@yahoogroups.com"
Other pagan resources for New York City and beyond:
"This group is opened to all pagans and wiccans interested in community networking, or expressing themselves. It is also a place to share ideas and visions."
World Pagans
"Are you from the USA, Europe, Asia, and beyond, come stir the Cauldron with your fellow Pagan from around the world!"
I do not formally represent any of the centers or organizations mentioned in this notice.
Sarva mangalam. May All Beings Benefit.
May the Circle Be Open and Unbroken.
Special Notice for Friends
in the NYC Area!
Sunday, November 21
Tibet House
22 West 15th Street NYC
3-4:30 PM: YELLOW JAMBHALA: Lord of Prosperity, providing wealth, both spiritual and material
4:30 - 6 pm: GREEN TARA: Goddess of Fearlessness and Protection
Followed by two brief teachings:
MITRUKPA ("Undisturbed and unconfused"), a special aspiration and mantra to benefit the animal one eats and
VAIROCANA NAMBARNAMTSE aspiration and mantra to benefit the dead.
REFUGE is required (your refuge name will be requested at the door): Those who have not received Buddhist refuge who wish to attend, email moke.mokotoff "at" gmail.com to make a request and Rinpoche will offer refuge before the first empowerment.
TUITION: $55 for all four empowerments (plus an opportunity to make traditional offerings to the Lama)
TEXTS: Translated and illustrated sadhanas will be available
CONTACT: moke.mokotoff "at" gmail.com | 212-741-4443 | Do not contact Tibet House
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON UPCOMING VISIT BY LAMA KUNGA RINPOCHE: PROSPERITY & FEARLESSNESS (see left). These initiations, which empower and train us in the compassionate practices of the Bodhisattvas, encourage awareness, fearlessness, and caring. It is an extremely rare opportunity to receive these teachings that were held in the highest esteem by all the Buddhist lineages of Tibet. Lama Kunga Rinpoche is uniquely qualified, having received these precious teachings from many masters in Tibet including Lama Dampa Shenphen Nyingpo and Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro. Rinpoche will present the meditation instructions directly in English in a manner that will allow students to participate in the visualizations while the ritual goes on.
LAMA KUNGA THARTSE RINPOCHE was born into a noble family in Lhasa in 1935, the son of Tsipon Shuguba, the Treasurer in the Dalai Lama's government. At the age of 7, he was recognized as a reincarnation of Sevan Repa, a heart disciple of Milarepa, Tibet's great 11th century poet-saint. Rinpoche entered Ngor Monastery at age eight and was ordained as a monk by age sixteen. In 1959, he became Vice-Abbot of Ngor Monastery, in the Sakya tradition, but soon had to flee through western Tibet with some of his countrymen at the time of Chinese invasion. One of four first lamas sent to America by HH Dalai Lama in 1961, Rinpoche at first resided at Geshe Wangyal's monastary in New Jersey along with Robert Tenzin Thurman. He was invited to be the Tibetan Librarian at UC Berkeley and later founded Ewam Choden Buddhist Center in Berkeley, California in 1970 where he has continuously taught. He has sponsored the teachings of HH Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Karmapa, HH Dudjom Rinpoche, VV Kalu Rinpoche, VV Trungpa Rinpoche and of course HH the Sakya Trizin and all the Sakya Masters. After all these years and experience he has a clear understanding and appreciation of western culture. To get a sense of his presentation and grasp of the American venacular see the award winning ESPN brief video at http://www.ewamchoden.org/?page_id=46
New book:
"Mixing Minds:The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism"
Pilar Jennings was exposed to Buddhist meditation early in life. Her mother took her to her first meditation course at age 10, and her experience there has essentially influenced her spiritual and professional life ever since.
In this engaging and informative work, Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism (Wisdom Publications, on sale December 1, 2010), psychotherapist and long-time practicing Buddhist, Pilar Jennings, Ph.D., explains how she came to this world of “mixing and matching” healing traditions. Mixing Minds explores the interpersonal relationships between psychoanalysts and their patients, and Buddhist teachers and their Western Buddhist students. Through Jennings’ own personal journey in both traditions, she attempts to shed light on how these contrasting approaches to wellness affect our most intimate relationships.
Through her lucid writing, Jennings discusses the many radical differences and areas of synergy between Buddhism and psychoanalysis, with a focus on the primary relationships within each system. She explores how each tradition helps us enter into and sustain relationship, and how the core teachings of each tradition come to life by examining how Buddhist teachers relate to their students and how psychoanalysts relate to their patients.
Mixing Minds tackles subjects such as the assumption that one’s spiritual practice addresses the same issues/dynamics that are explored in therapy; cultural differences in the origins of these two practices as well as the differences in emphasis (spiritual/universalistic versus psychological/personal); the driving motivation behind the Western exploration of meditation and Buddhist teaching, as well as potential stumbling blocks along the path of practice for Western Buddhists.
In an engaging and fascinating interview, Jennings can discuss:
• Why the focus on relationships is relevant to religion
• How Buddhism and psychoanalysis are different in their goals and methods
• How Buddhism and psychoanalysis are actually compatible healing traditions, and why they need each other
• How Buddhism is in fact a religion, and how this understanding can be useful to the psychological well-being of its practitioners
• The psychological pitfalls to practicing Buddhism as a Westerner
•Does therapy really work
Mixing Minds is one of the finest contemporary books on the dialogue between Buddhism and psychoanalysis. Jennings’ rich discourse examines the strengths and limitations of each discipline, clarifies the way in which they can complement one another, and consequently deepens your understanding and appreciation of these two great wisdom traditions.
Friday, December 3, 2010; 6:30-8PM
Praise for Mixing Minds
“An engaging view of therapy and Buddhist practice that puts the healing dyad, the relational encounter of two human beings, at the center of both practices.”
—Barry Magid, author of Ending the Pursuit of Happiness
“With this remarkable book, the dialogue between Buddhism and psychoanalysis has finally come of age. Pilar Jennings writes from the perspective of one who has been deeply steeped in these two great wisdom traditions for many years, and who has a rich and nuanced understanding of areas of convergence, divergence, and potential synergy. . . . In a voice that is personal and humorous, yet at the same time wise and sophisticated, Jennings takes us on a fascinating and deeply rewarding voyage of discovery.”
—Jeremy D. Safran, editor of Psychoanalysis and Buddhism
“Mixing Minds is at once personal, educational, and creative. Rather than simply conflate or contrast the paths of psychoanalysis and Buddhist practice, Jennings teases out nuances of each in ways that enhance both and enrich the psyche and spirit. This book makes the most of these disciplines’ evolving mix.”
—Michael Eigen, author of Flames from the Unconscious
About the Presenter
Pilar Jennings, Ph.D. is a writer and researcher who has focused on the clinical applications of Buddhist meditation practice. She received her Ph.D. in Psychiatry and Religion from Union Theological Seminary, and has been working with patients and their families through the Harlem Family Institute since 2004. Prior to this training, she earned a Masters degree in medical anthropology from Columbia University, and a Bachelors degree in interdisciplinary writing from Barnard College of Columbia University. Pilar is a long-term practitioner of Tibetan and Vipassana Buddhism, and has studied with senior teachers in both traditions. She has also trained as a Buddhist chaplain through the Zen Center for Contemplative Care. Pilar Jennings lives in New York City.
Save the date!
XXI Annual Benefit Concert - Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Annual Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall is one of the highlights of the year for Tibet House supporters and music lovers alike.
Held on or around the start of the Tibetan New Year, this concert features an accomplished and eclectic lineup of musicians, brought together by Artistic Director Philip Glass.
Annual Benefit Concert At Carngie Hall
A Highly Anticipated Event
Held at legendary Carnegie Hall since 1993, Philip Glass, the benefit's esteemed Artistic Director and Vice President of Tibet House US, creates an exceptional show every year, highlighted by unique collaborations between the artists.
The consistently sold-out concert features up and coming musicians and world artists, together with some of the music industry's biggest legends. The concert and dinner party have become an anticipated annual event in New York City.
Tibet House US was founded in 1987 by Columbia University professor Robert Thurman, actor Richard Gere and modern composer Philip Glass (among others) at the behest of the 14th H.H. Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. It was initially organized in New York City, USA, and the Tibet House US is still based there.
Its stated purpose, as taken from the Tibet House website:
* To present to the West Tibet's ancient traditions of art and culture by means of creating a permanent Cultural Center, with Gallery, Library, and Archives, and developing traveling exhibitions, print publications and media productions
* To preserve and restore Tibet's unique cultural and spiritual heritage, by means of developing a Repatriation Collection for future repatriation of outstanding examples of Tibetan art, creating an archive of rare photographs, opening a research library, making a Web site on the Internet for the wide distribution of information, and providing support to conservation activities both inside and outside of Tibet
* To share with the world Tibet's practical systems of spiritual philosophy and mind sciences, and its arts of human development, intercultural dialogues, nonviolence, and peacemaking, by means of innovative programs in cooperation with educational and other cultural institutions.