Buddhist Deity of Compassion Avalokitesvara/ Tara / Kuanyin : References and resources ( and an event with Sandy Boucher In Seattle 15 April )
Here I provide a deep and broad set of book and audio references, including classical practice texts and mantras, for the Buddhist deity Avalokitesvara, known under many names throughout the Buddhist world, and also practiced by some Hindus and Taoists and pagans generally.
Some of the names ( or manifestations ) of Avalokitesvara are Tara, Kuanyin ( Chinese ), Chenresig ( Tibetan ), Kwannon ( Japanese ), Kuan Um ( Korean ) and so forth. There are many many traditions and practices of Avalokitesvara and Tara throughout Northern Asian Buddhism. All are from the Mahayana ( Universal Service / Universal Enlightenment ) schools of Buddhism. One of the most famous and most important of all Mahayana scriptures and practices is that of the Heart Sutra, which comes from Avalokitesvara.
Kuanyin ( or Kwannon or Tara ) is one of the primary goddess practices worldwide, among several hundred million Chinese and Japanese Buddhists, and also among millions of western Buddhists both male and female, in the Americas, Europe and so forth.
I am ( under tantric teaching vows ) required to propagate Avalokitesvara teaching and practice, and have now done so.
You have been helped.
Sarva mangalam. Siddhi rastu!
Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. He is one of the more widely revered bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. In China and its sphere of cultural influence, Avalokitesvara is often depicted in a female form known as Guan Yin.
Bodhisattva from
In Buddhism, a bodhisattva ( means either "enlightened (bodhi) existence (sattva)" or "enlightenment-being" or, given the variant Sanskrit spelling satva rather than sattva, "heroic-minded one (satva) for enlightenment (bodhi)." Another translation is "Wisdom-Being." It is the name given to anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all living beings.[2]
Thursday, April 15 at East West Seattle
Experience the Compassion of Kwan Yin, the Buddhist Goddess
7-8:30 p.m. Free!
SANDY BOUCHER will evoke the luminous spirit of Kwan Yin, the Buddhist bodhisattva of compassion, will invite us to share our own encounters with this powerful goddess, and will lead a guided full-moon meditation to connect us all with Kwan Yin’s compassionate energy.
Sandy has been leading retreats in the Northwest for ten years, working with women’s energy to break down our self-destructive patterns. Her books include Turning the Wheel: American Women Creating the New Buddhism; Opening the Lotus, A Woman’s Guide to Buddhism; Hidden Spring: A Buddhist Woman Confronts Cancer; and Dancing in the Dharma: The Life and Teachings of Ruth Denison.
Website: http://www.sandyboucher.net
East West Bookshop of Seattle
6500 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98125
206-523-3726 or 800-587-6002
View map:
Email: info@eastwestbookshop.com
Mahayana ( mahayana literally 'Great Vehicle') is one of the two main existing branches of Buddhism and a term for classification of Buddhist philosophies and practice. It was founded in India. The name "Mahayana" is used in three main senses:
1. As a living tradition, Mahayana is the larger of the two major traditions of Buddhism existing today, the other being Theravada. This classification is largely undisputed by all Buddhist schools.
2. According to the Mahayana method of classification of Buddhist philosophies, "Mahayana" refers to a level of spiritual motivation[1] (also known as "Bodhisattvayana"[2]). According to this classification, the alternative approach is called "Hinayana", or "Sravakayana". It is also recognized by Theravada Buddhism, but is not considered very relevant for practice.[3]
3. According to the Vajrayana scheme of classification of practice paths, Mahayana refers to one of the three routes to enlightenment, the other two being Hinayana and Vajrayana. This classification is the teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism, and is not recognized by Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism.
The Heart Sutra
Prajna Paramita Hrydaya Sutra
Nilakantha Dharani (The Blue Necked Dharani)
Namo ratna-trayaya
(Adoration of the triple Gem)
[edit] I. Initial Salutation
Nama aryavalokite-svaraya bodhisattvaya maha-sattvaya maha-karunikaya
(Adoration to the noble Lord who looks down, the enlightened sentient being, the great being, the merciful one!)
[edit] II. Name of Avalokitesvara
Om sarva-bhaya-sodhanaya tasya namaskrtva imu Arya-valokite-svara tava namo Nilakantha 2
(Om! Having paid adoration to One who dispels all fears, the noble Avalokitesvara, adoration to the blue-necked one!)
[edit] III. sloka enunciation of the merit of the hrdaya-dharani
Hrdayam vartayisyami sarvartha-sadhanam subham 3 ajeyam sarva-bhutanam bhava-marga-visodhakam 4
(I shall enunciate the heart dharani which ensures all purpose, is pure and invincible for all beings, and which purifies the path of existence.)
[edit] IV. Dharani
Tadyatha: Om Alokadhipati lokatikranta
(Like this: Om! Lord of Effulgence, the World-Transcending One.
Ehy maha-bodhisattva sarpa-sarpa smara smara hrdayam
(Come, great bodhisattva, descend, descend. Please remember (smara) my heart dharani.
Kuru-kuru karma dhuru-dhuru vijayate maha-vijayate
(Do, do the work. Hold fast, hold fast, Victor, the great Victor)
Dhara-dhara dharini-raja cala-cala mama vimala-murtte
(Hold on, hold on, King of the Dharani. Move, move onto my spotless image.)
Ehi ehi chinda chinda aras pracali vasa-vasam pranasaya
(Come, come, the vow, the vow of the admantine king, destroy, destroy every poison.)
Hulu-hulu smara hulu-hulu sara-sara siri-siri suru-suru
(Quick-quick, please remember, quick-quick. Descend-descend, descend-descend, descend-descend)
Bodhiya-bodhiya bodhaya-bodhaya maitriya Nilakantha [dehi me] darsanam
(Being enlightened, being enlightened; enlighten me, enlighten me. Merciful Blue-necked One appear [unto me].)
Praharayamanaya svaha siddhaya svaha maha-siddhaya svaha siddhayogisvaraya svaha
(To you who sees us, hail! To the Successful one hail! To the Great Successful one hail! To the Successful Lord of the yogis, hail!)
Nilakanthaya svaha varaha-mukhaya svaha narasimha-mukhaya svaha
(To the Blue-necked one (Nilakantha) hail! To the Boar-faced One hail! To Man-Lion faced One hail!)
Gada-hastaya svaha cakra-hastaya svaha padma-hastaya svaha
(To one who bears the mace (gada) in his hand, hail! To the holder of discus in his hand, hail! To One who sports a lotus (padma) in his hand, hail!)
Nilakantha-pandaraya svaha Mahatali Sankaraya svaha
(To Blue-necked One smeared (with holy ashes), hail! To the mighty auspicious one, hail!)
[edit] V. Final Salutation
Namo ratna-trayaya Nama aryavalokite-svaraya bodhisattvaya svaha
(Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara (Lord who looks down), the enlightened being, hail!)
Book References:
Trainings in Compassion
with translation by Tyler Dewar under the guidance of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
The manuals included in this book were authored by the great Tibetan siddha Thangtong Gyalpo, the renowned nineteenth century master Jamgon Kongtrul, and the Fifteenth Gyalwang Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje.
This work includes translations of key Kagyu lineage meditation manuals for the practice of the deity of compassion Avalokiteshvara, one of the main introductory meditation practices presented in scores of Tibetan Buddhist centers across North America and Europe. The book also includes teachings on the nature of compassion by the highly regarded teacher Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, praises to Avalokiteshvara by the Indian master Chandrakirti, and a fresh translation of the famed Mahayana text The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva.
Excerpt at
"The following is an excerpt from a chapter of the book by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.
Entering the Trainings in Compassion
"When looking at the notion of enlightenment, the possibility of becoming completely awake, the only method that can lead us to that state of total wakefulness is the practice of loving-kindness and compassion.
"In the sâtras, the Buddha said that in the beginning, compassion is like the seed without which we cannot have any fruit; in the middle, compassion is like water to nourish the seed we have planted; in the end, compassion is like the warmth of the sun that brings the fruit to ripening. Thus, without compassion, there is no seed of enlightenment, no path to enlightenment, and no fruition of enlightenment. The genuine heart of loving-kindness and compassion is crucial in achieving one's own freedom from suffering, and in achieving freedom for all sentient beings.
"In Tibetan, the word for compassion is nying-je (Tib. snying rje), which literally means "noble heart." Compassion is the most dignified, noble, and profound treasure of our heart. There is nothing more profound or precious than this heart of compassion. What is this heart of compassion? It is a genuine concern, a genuine willingness to give anything of ourselves that is necessary to alleviate the sufferings of sentient beings. Compassion also has a quality of being passionate-a genuine, innocent desire and willingness, as well as a sense of openness and bravery. Bravery here refers to not being afraid of seeing and being with suffering, and to not being afraid of where you are or who you are in any given moment.
The Vast and the Profound
"The path of training in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition that focuses on the development of loving-kindness and compassion is called MahÏyÏna-the "great vehicle." All of the many MahÏyÏna teachings are included within two categories: the vast and the profound. These two qualities correlate to the two types of bodhichitta, absolute bodhichitta and relative bodhichitta. Absolute bodhichitta is the profound reality, and relative bodhichitta is the vast methods for connecting to that reality. . . ."
by Tulku Thondup
"A remarkable lucid distillation of Tibetan Buddhist teachings on how the state of our minds in life affects the nature and quality of our experiences in death." The result is a provocative and surpisingly compelling work that will appeal to beginners and advanced practitioners alike."--Publishers Weekly
This book-and-CD set presents Buddhist instructions for changing our negative thoughts and feelings to a positive, loving attitude toward everyone. By bringing images and thoughts of the Buddhist deity of loving-kindness to mind, our hearts connect with the Buddha’s and our activities become beneficial and helpful.The CDs present Tulku Thondup guiding an extended meditation practice, which is a traditional ritual of visualizing and invoking the blessings of the Buddha of Loving-Kindness. The book includes teachings on the Buddhist view of lovingkindness, the philosophy behind Tibetan Buddhist visualization and prayer practices, and basics of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. The package includes a full-color illustration of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Loving-Kindness, for help with the visualization.
Tulku Thondup came to the United States as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. He currently teaches programs throughout the world and is the author of many books.
118 pp., 3 audio CDs (3 hours) with meditation card and slipcase.
# HEPOLO - $ 24.95
Thousand Armed Avalokitesvara
By: Lokesh Chandra
A fundamental work based on original Sanskrit, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and the lost Iranian language Sogdian and Tibetan works-on the origin of Avalokitesvara. It indentifies the several prevalent folk-deities, which were assimilated into the iconographical form. The worship of Avalokitesvara was accompanied by a dharani (recited hymn). This work describes five versions of thedharani. The dharani is an essential part of the Zen repertoire of sutras.
Nyung Na: The Means of Achievement of the Eleven-Faced Great Compassionate One, Avalokiteshvara of the (Bhikshuni) Lakshmi Tradition
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Wisdom Publications (March 25, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0861712501
ISBN-13: 978-0861712502
Product Description
An intensive Buddhist practice for purification and the accumulation of positive energy.
See also
Nyung Na
The Nyung Nä retreat is a two-day intensive practice that includes taking the 24-hour Mahayana precepts with the addition of complete fasting and silence on the second day.
Doing even one Nyung Nä or "abiding in retreat" for just two days is said to be as effective as three months of other purification practices and is extremely powerful for healing illness, purifying negative karma, and opening the heart to compassion.
Contents Include:
-The Preparatory Ceremony
-Calling the Lama from Afar
-Taking the Restoring and Purifying Ordination
-Requesting the Lineage Gurus
-The Foundation of All Good Qualities
-Request to the Supreme Compassionate One
-Invocation of the Merit Field
-The Bodhisattva's Confession of Moral Downfalls
-How to Meditate on Self-Generation
-Meditation on the Front-Generation
-The Principle Practice of Praise
-Offering the Tormas
-Praises to the Dharma Protectors
-Offering an Ablution
-Verses of Auspiciousness
1: Arranging the Essential Bases
2: Instructions
3: Notes about the Mahayana Ordination
4: Mudras for the Nyung Na Practice
5: Modes of Practice
6: Notes on Mantra Recitation
7: How to Perform the Offering Bath
8: Avalokiteshvara
9: Bhikshuni Lakshmi
10: Notes on the Long Dharani
11: About the Author, Lozang Kalsang Gyatso
-His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama's Dedication
-Chenrezig Mandala (removable line drawing)
Spiral bound, 182 pages
Chenrezig - A Short Practice of Four Arm Chenrezig
This practice develops our ability to have an open heart through meditation on Chenrezig. The mantra of Chenrezig is the most widely recited mantra in Tibetan Buddhism and has great power for developing a good heart.
Mantras of the Great Compassionate One - CD
On this high quality recording, Lama Zopa Rinpoche beautifully chants OM MANI PADME HUM, followed by the long dharani of Chenrezig, the Great Compassionate One. The chants are preceded by a short commentary on the benefits and instructions for recitation of the long mantra by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
The package includes a written transcript. You will receive an e-mail with your order containing a link to a downloadable PDF file.
In Praise of Tara: Songs to the Saviouress
Product Description
The most dearly loved of all the Buddhist deities is the blissful goddess Tara. She acts with lightning speed to aid those in distress and to fulfill their wishes. In Praise of Tara is a complete guide to understanding this Buddhist goddess, including a history of the Tara Tantra, canonical and practice texts, and lyrical praises.
Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Wisdom Publications (May 25, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0861711092
ISBN-13: 978-0861711093
The Cult of Tara: Magic and Ritual in Tibet (Hermeneutics: Studies in the History of Religions) (Paperback)
Product Description
The unique importance of Stephan Beyer's work is that it presents the living ritual of Tibetan Buddhists. The reader is made a witness to cultic proceedings through which the author guides him carefully.(Reprinted)
Product Details
Paperback: 564 pages
Publisher: University of California Press (June 12, 1978)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0520036352
ISBN-13: 978-0520036352
Skillful Grace: Tara Practice for Our Time (Paperback)
Marcia Binder Schmidt (Author), Erik Pema Kunsang (Author)
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books (October 16, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9627341614
ISBN-13: 978-9627341611
Product Description
Tara is one of the most inspiring of Buddhist deities, embodying the most compelling and vital qualities of the feminine: beauty, grace, and the ability to nurture, care for, and protect. This complex goddess, whose practice transcends sect and class, is also a true warrior, vanquishing fear and ignorance–in a sense the earliest known incarnation of Buddhist feminism. Skillful Grace is an elegant introduction to practice and meditation techniques based on the Vajrayana path.
The book is divided into three main sections. The first contains the basic text of Tara practice, The Essential Instruction on the Threefold Excellence, which connects the seeker to the profound essence of Tara as revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa. The other two sections feature enlightening commentaries on the text by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Jamgön Kongtrül, and Adeu Rinpoche.
Skillful Grace includes all the preliminaries of Tara practice, as well as its main part and the subsequent yogas. Tara Bennett Goleman’s foreword, Marcia Schmidt’s introduction, and various appendixes and footnotes add useful context.
About the Author
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (1921—1996) was among Tibetan Buddhism’s greatest 20th-century masters. Adeu Rinpoche lives at the Tsechu Monastery in Tibet.
Red Tara: An Open Door to Bliss and Ultimate Awareness
Red Tara meditations have been used for centuries to attain the recognition of our original, pure buddha nature through many perfect lineages of highly realized Tibetan Buddhist practioners. Based on the treasure discovered by the great Nyingmapa lama, Apong Terton, this practice emphasizes the continual invocation of Tara's blessings to activate our innate buddha nature. This 2 CD set includes both the Concise English Tara practice, with mantras sung by H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and students, and an audio book recording of Red Tara Commentary: Instructions for the Concise Practice Known as Red Tara: An Open Door to Bliss and Ultimate Awareness, complied and read by his wife, Chagdud Khadro.
2CDs AVSCRTA $24.95
White Tara - Meditations on White Tara: Revised 2005
The practice of White Tara strengthens and restores good health and life-force energy by gathering all the various elements needed to sustain and nurture health and removing life obstacles. In addition, by relying on White Tara, we are quickly able to gain whatever is needed to accomplish our aims in this life.
This meditation can be done on behalf of oneself or others. It is frequently done to remove the obstacles to our gurus' long lives and health. If one has experienced many health problems, accidents, depression, or a loss of "lust for life," the practice of White Tara can be especially powerful.
Contents Include:
-White Tara Motivation for Long Life
-A Short White Tara Meditation
-White Tara Sadhana (with the mantra of Amitayus)
-The Practice of White Tara with Senghe Dra
-Dedication Prayers
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Tibetan Buddhism
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